We are so similar

「We are so similar」は、都市に関わるさまざまなプレイヤーたちと、”違い”ではなく"共通項"について対話するプロジェクトです。国や専門分野など、バックグラウンドの異なるプレイヤーを毎回2名集め、それぞれの活動とフィールドについて紹介し合いながら、共通項を探ることでフラットな学びやコラボレーションの可能性を探ることが目的です。


現代都市では、社会的・経済的・文化的な違いが、格差や分断、意見の対立を生み出します。一方、こうした違いばかりに焦点をあてるのではなく、共通項を見出しながら建設的な議論やコラボレーションを生み出せるのではないか。Fionaとの会話から、そのような想いで「We are so similar」プロジェクトがスタートしました。Podcastやトークイベントなどで不定期に更新しています。

Anchor: anchor.fm/wearesosimilar
協力メンバー:Fiona de bell, Yukiko Nezu

How are we similar? Contemporary metropolises are the stage for struggles over social, economic and cultural differences. However, focusing too much on these differences can cloud our vision and prevent us from successfully establishing collaborative co-learning approaches. Instead of focusing on our differences, this event aims to encourage conversation about the similarities in our cities, approaches, methodologies, and passions for city-making, while at the same time to fighting against global monoculturalization driven by neo-liberal urban development.

Our aim is to compare the context of urban projects based both in the Netherlands and Japan to find the similarities of the process of public action and community development. We will also discuss the meaning of global and multidisciplinary collaboration in the field of urban practice. We will invite various urbanists from different cities (Amsterdam, Tokyo, Kyoto and more) to share their thoughts and ideas.

As our first attempt, we've invited Fiona, an Amsterdam-based artist from Cascoland, and Yukiko, a Japanese architects who has been living in the Netherlands for more than 20 years.

Anchor: informele-zorgkaart.herokuapp.com
We are so similar We are so similar We are so similar